What is Meritt
Meritt is an open protocol for the independent creation and maintenance of financial contracts between pairs for Blockchain. Unique decentralized platform, which today will be in great demand and will be popular. However, the intellectual contract is a real guarantee of the execution of high quality transactions. The Meritt project is ideal for decentralized fundraising, financing cards and more!
Open protocol for chain formation and execution of financial contracts as equals.
This project is a decentralized solution that solves the problem of loyalty programs with Meritt’s eyes. Meritch bag of merit, food and store.
Counter, Etherea Merit was developed as a platform compatible with ERC20 coins and has advantages without key technologies. Eligible audiences – airlines, travel agencies, market leaders, and online stores around the world. With these benefits, the reward will have $ 1 billion in global markets, based on advanced technology that is sophisticated, safe and easy to remember.
Plug & Play building blocks
For a simple implementation and settlement of a variety of financial contracts in Ethereum Blockchain.
Agnostic protocol of asset classes
Meritt financial contracts can be securities, loans, bonds, utility, property or donation tokens. For each financial contract issued, a specific ERC20 contract token is created.
Key terms committed and resolved in the block chain
Transparency and certainty about the future execution of the key terms and the audit trail in the immutable distributed accounting books. Secured issuance and non-trust service of financial contracts through intelligent contracts.
Sovereign identification and secure ownership of data
Participants have full control and ownership over their encrypted personal data and their identification, and can disclose based on zero knowledge.
Decentralized and free, without Meritt rate, without intermediaries
Decentralized blockchain architecture. Only gas costs incurred. Execution of financing in a true environment of equal to equal.
Applications and platforms can take advantage of Meritt’s protocol to allow its users to fund or raise funds as equals. 
What’s the problem saving the project?
There is a problem as described below. Increase in corporate debt: Unused eyes are listed as liabilities. Falling demand and decreasing demand for consumer ratings has a negative impact on corporate liability for more important and financial reviews. Loyalty Loyalty Program Lower: With low eyes, the company can not achieve its loyalty program as expected. Low awareness on how to calculate social costs for customers and trade.
Control Point Complexity: Eighteen stored programs, different, make it difficult to accompany the eye and fill the cup. This platform will be profitable. Stitching platforms can be used by users and businesses. Use the benefits of MTT to change memory point or eyepiece. Users can access ads through ad channels, not affiliates.
With Meritt Wallet, you can manage and integrate multiple friends at once. Companies have access to more customers so they can sell their products according to the instructions. The benefit exchange model helps companies reduce their responsibilities with impressions. Couples can promote greater customer loyalty by eating and eating.
MERITT token allocation
Token distribution Sept 20 2018
Token symbol MTT
Token standard ERC20
MTT : ETH 5000 MTT = 1 ETH
Minimum contribution 0.1 ETH
Token supply # 1,200,000,000
Available tokens for distribution # 504,000,000
To find more relevant details of the Meritt project please follow some resources for the following references:




INGOT COIN – Bridging Markets – An All Inclusive Ecosystems

INGOT Legacy

INGOT seeks to be a pioneer in the financial industry providing innovative. techniques and solutions to link global market participants. Being in the financial market since 1993, IGOT Groups witnessed multiple inefficiencies ove the year. As technology progressed, the global markets and their efficiencies progressed along, providing investor with more opportunities. INGOT continously works on providing all stkeholders an ever growing board range innovative products and services globally, thus allowing it to gain sufficient expertise to link this knowledge to the new blockchain envioronment and create an all-inclusive and self-serving Ecosystem.
INGOT introduced the concept of short selling the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) sgares and indices to provide all investor with opportunities otherwise unavailable in local exchanges, hence allowing exclusive diversived risk management techniques. This innovative idea of trading came after extensive hard work done by INGOT’s dedicated team, all of whom strive to find new alternative investment methods. As a response to the incrrasing demand and opportunities in the MENA region, INGOT Group founded Sigma Investments in Amman, Jordan.
INGOT Group additionally serves as member of global Alliance Partners (GAP), which is an international network of regulated financial services companies that focuses on the mid capital market. GAP’s international reach gives its member firms greater clout and a wider platform to conduct investments banking, wealth and fund management, broking, and other financial services across internatioanal markets.

The Token 

Token Summary 

The Exchange will charge a preferred rate on all transactions paid by our coin, compared to payments done by other maor cryptocurrencies or fiat currecies.
INGOT will distribute coin dividends once the company is mature and profitable. This increase the attractiveness of the coin in the initial pahses and in the long run.
The maximum number of tokens that will distibute will be 120,000,000 IC. In case tokens were not all sold once all the ICO ends, all unsold tokens will enter burning programs as per the smart contract.

Uses of the Token

This hybrid tokens serves as a utility and a security token. We will go into extensive explenations of both beneficial areas.

Security benefits

The token holders will benefit from the growth of the Ecosytem’s returns. The return will be reflected on the price, in terms of Capital Gains and in term of  Devidends. As one of the Ecosystem’s main objective is to satisfy token holders and ensure their benefits are on the top of  the objectives list, the reflections of the returns on the price of IC will be mainlly channeled through our devidends program that will start after the Ecosystem is sustainable and profitable. As it is currently in the market, companies that pay increasing amounts of devidends to their shareholders will enjoy increase in stock or token prices. This is due to the increase in attractives of the security as the return on the price of the security as the returns on the price of the token will have limited supply, which will lead to fixing the supply while demend can increase that wil lead to capital gains for token holders.

Utility Benefits

The main benefits of this token lie here. The token could be used in a magnitude of ways:
  • Method of payment within the Ecosystem: As there is value to the coin, Ecosystem stakeholders will be willing to receive these coins as a methods pf payments. The advantages here is thet if a token holder is paying the IC Brokerage, IC Crypto Certifier, IC Accelerator and the IC communitty they will receive various discounts from 5% and reaching up to 50% some cases.
  • Methods of payment to external entities: In this case, IC will cat just like any other crytpocurrency, a method of payment with value shown clearly from the exchange. The increase in circulation of the token will provide a more efficient price of the token.

Ecosystem Caps 

Hard Cap

Based on our extensive financial model, we have place a hard cap of $90,000,000. This number will ensure we provide the best services with optimal allocations into each component of this all-inclusive ecosystem. The values plotted below include the best registrations with top-notch developers implementations on state-of -the-art technologies.
Many assets will be shared among the Ecosystem. The above values include cost of  licenses that depend on the country of choice. Different countries have different cost and presents us with different statuses.

Soft Cap

Our Ecosystem could be constructed in rounds. However, the main core should be implemented simulataneously. Having said that, we have include the main components with their minimum value to be launched with a minimum of  $37,000,000.
There is huge discrepancy between the soft cap and the hard cap, this is due to component budgetary cutbacks. The components that have will be eliminated from the outer circle of the Ecosystem,IC Accelerator IC Crypto Certifier.
Discarding the creation of these components will slighly affect the attractiveness of the Ecosystem, however it will still be capable of running at almost optimal level.
As fro reducing the budgets, we have combied the serve with the liquidity pool into one component which will serve both purpose. As for the bank and brokerage, we will be able to open under one registry and restrict our services to the needed ones and not expand all at once.
Reducing the budgets will affect the growth of the project ad projected price of IC. The growth will start at a much lower rate in comparison to our business model. However, it will still initially grow at an exponential rate, thus reaching our current milestone but on later dates.

Token and Fund Allocation

Token Allocation

Public : 75%
Early Backers : 7%
Bounty Program : 5%
Team : 5%
Advisory : 4%
Founder : 4%

Fund Allocation

Digital Bank : 23%
Liquidity Fund : 22%
Brokerage : 18%
Reserve : 11%
Exchange Wallet : 10%
Legal, PR and Consultation : 8%
Crypto Certifier : 5%
Accelerator : 3%




What is MAGNUS?
Cognitive and collaborative collaboration between Artificial Intelligence, Robot, Humans, Sensor Networks and distributed hardware built on smart Ethereum contracts. Magnus started a new era of business, technology, and thought. The Magnus Era brings with it fundamental changes in how intelligent systems are built and interacted with each other. Magnus’s ultimate goal is to make people smarter, better machines, cheaper and faster Robots, and AI better by ensuring collaboration with other agents on the Magnus Collective network.
In addition Magnus will have its own independent bot agent called “Sentry Bots” which will ensure that the evil agents get out of the Magnus network. Sentry Bots will use whitelist and blacklist to maintain reputation and efficiency in Magnus network.
Magnus will be able to negotiate and transact with other chain blocks or future non-block-based network chains in the future using a gateway called Portal. Portals will ensure that even if Magnus does not gain leadership in terms of networking – Magnus will never become obsolete or outdated. The portal will translate negotiations and requests between different networks and open Magnus to all external

Current technologies and business landscapes are ripe for networks like Magnus because of 5 growth drivers who have used steroids over the last decade.
– Artificial intelligence revenue based on the world market area 2015-2024.
– Global A.I. revenue from 2016 to 2025

In the next decade, the global artificial intelligence market is estimated to be worth more than $ 3 trillion. And according to PWC, AI will contribute as much as $ 15.7 trillion to the world economy in the next decade.
To give some context it’s more than the current output of some of the world’s largest economies. AI is expected to disrupt and repeal the existing ways of doing business, transportation and working definition as well.
A report from the Harvard Business Review found that although HE has been used sporadically in various sectors, the opportunity to change the game has not occurred. The greatest opportunity will only be tapped when AI can work together, harnessing the power of each other across different geographies, verticals, and usage cases. 
Human collaboration with A.I (Robot)
AI innovation has accelerated in recent years – key growth drivers are low-cost computing and access to large data sets. Artificial intelligence, signal processing, and machine learning have driven many of today’s common technologies, ranging from search engines, voice-assisted assistants, and even online ad targeting. Creating a combined cognitive platform is already happening – this is not a research project in a college laboratory – and it’s accelerating faster in the past decade.
Until now the smart people are those who receive the highest score by making the smallest number of errors. AI will change the fundamental logic because there is no human way to outsmart, such as a new Google AI engine or IBM Watson platform.
So we see an era of augmentation in which humans must work with AI to produce tangible results. Smart machines can process, store, and remember information more quickly and better than us humans. In addition, AI can match patterns faster and generate a wider array of alternatives than we can. AI can even learn faster. In the age of the smart machine, our old definition of what makes someone smart does not make sense.
Why Blockchain?
Blockchain, which became famous with Bitcoin, has proven that by combining peer-to-peer networks with cryptographic algorithms, a group of agents can reach agreement on a particular situation and record the agreement without the need for a controlling authority. Combining blockchain with other systems, such as swarm robot systems or AI pools, allows groups to be autonomous, flexible, more secure and collaborative without friction.
Blockchain technology shows that by combining a peer-to-peer network with a cryptographic algorithm, a group of agents can reach agreement on a particular circumstance and record the agreement in a safe and verifiable manner without central authority. Due to its decentralized nature, and key principles such as security and fault tolerance, blockchain technology is particularly useful in combination with emerging fields of Robotics Swarms, AI bundles, and IOT hubs.

Why do we need a MAGNUS token?
To maximize success, Magnus Collective’s economic logic should enable the purchase and sale of all services, while making the discovery process usable. And ensuring that all actors have easy and frictionless access to the collective. So economic logic is set for the following purposes:
– Open, global, and unlicensed access to various actors.
– Verification and discovery of services.
– Good will generation.
– Bridging and crossing different networks and Blockchain.
Token Magnus is designed to achieve this goal. It guarantees free and non-discriminatory access from the start, and centralizes the value created by the collective. It has mechanisms in place for inflation incentives. To verify the service, supported 2 years of popular and industrial Robotic platform rental and to appreciate good faith on the network.
Magnus Token is revived after careful thought and long consideration of its benefits. We have thought through the economic logic of hard coding versus designing the economic logic that drives rapid growth. If we can not find a token that meets all Token’s unique requirements – the collective may collapse – and fail to achieve the stated objectives.
The conclusion of our careful analysis is that only the original token that enables Magnus Collective to optimize the desired destination. To create markets that make transactions easy, guarantee access to the world, and drive growth, we need the original tokens tuned for the Robotics, AI, and IOT markets. And we have decided to back up our token with the Robotics platform rental – Especially the Table Top Robot Smart platform.

Image result for magnus bounty
Token Sales Phase
– This goes through the following phases
1. Pre-ICO: Stage with a 60% Bonus. 2 weeks.
2. Main-ICO 0: Phase with 40% bonus. 48 hours.
3. Main-ICO 1: Phase with 30% bonus. 1 week.
4. Main-ICO 2: Phase with 20% bonus. 1 week.
5. Main-ICO 3: Phase with 10% bonus. 1 week.
6. Main-ICO 4: Phase with 5% bonus. 1 week.
7. Unsold tokens will be burned after ICO



What is MAGNUS?
Cognitive and collaborative collaboration between Artificial Intelligence, Robot, Humans, Sensor Networks and distributed hardware built on smart Ethereum contracts. Magnus started a new era of business, technology, and thought. The Magnus Era brings with it fundamental changes in how intelligent systems are built and interacted with each other. Magnus’s ultimate goal is to make people smarter, better machines, cheaper and faster Robots, and AI better by ensuring collaboration with other agents on the Magnus Collective network.
In addition Magnus will have its own independent bot agent called “Sentry Bots” which will ensure that the evil agents get out of the Magnus network. Sentry Bots will use whitelist and blacklist to maintain reputation and efficiency in Magnus network.
Magnus will be able to negotiate and transact with other chain blocks or future non-block-based network chains in the future using a gateway called Portal. Portals will ensure that even if Magnus does not gain leadership in terms of networking – Magnus will never become obsolete or outdated. The portal will translate negotiations and requests between different networks and open Magnus to all external

Current technologies and business landscapes are ripe for networks like Magnus because of 5 growth drivers who have used steroids over the last decade.
– Artificial intelligence revenue based on the world market area 2015-2024.
– Global A.I. revenue from 2016 to 2025

In the next decade, the global artificial intelligence market is estimated to be worth more than $ 3 trillion. And according to PWC, AI will contribute as much as $ 15.7 trillion to the world economy in the next decade.
To give some context it’s more than the current output of some of the world’s largest economies. AI is expected to disrupt and repeal the existing ways of doing business, transportation and working definition as well.
A report from the Harvard Business Review found that although HE has been used sporadically in various sectors, the opportunity to change the game has not occurred. The greatest opportunity will only be tapped when AI can work together, harnessing the power of each other across different geographies, verticals, and usage cases.
Human collaboration with A.I (Robot)
AI innovation has accelerated in recent years – key growth drivers are low-cost computing and access to large data sets. Artificial intelligence, signal processing, and machine learning have driven many of today’s common technologies, ranging from search engines, voice-assisted assistants, and even online ad targeting. Creating a combined cognitive platform is already happening – this is not a research project in a college laboratory – and it’s accelerating faster in the past decade.
Until now the smart people are those who receive the highest score by making the smallest number of errors. AI will change the fundamental logic because there is no human way to outsmart, such as a new Google AI engine or IBM Watson platform.
So we see an era of augmentation in which humans must work with AI to produce tangible results. Smart machines can process, store, and remember information more quickly and better than us humans. In addition, AI can match patterns faster and generate a wider array of alternatives than we can. AI can even learn faster. In the age of the smart machine, our old definition of what makes someone smart does not make sense.
Why Blockchain?
Blockchain, which became famous with Bitcoin, has proven that by combining peer-to-peer networks with cryptographic algorithms, a group of agents can reach agreement on a particular situation and record the agreement without the need for a controlling authority. Combining blockchain with other systems, such as swarm robot systems or AI pools, allows groups to be autonomous, flexible, more secure and collaborative without friction.
Blockchain technology shows that by combining a peer-to-peer network with a cryptographic algorithm, a group of agents can reach agreement on a particular circumstance and record the agreement in a safe and verifiable manner without central authority. Due to its decentralized nature, and key principles such as security and fault tolerance, blockchain technology is particularly useful in combination with emerging fields of Robotics Swarms, AI bundles, and IOT hubs.
Why do we need a MAGNUS token?
To maximize success, Magnus Collective’s economic logic should enable the purchase and sale of all services, while making the discovery process usable. And ensuring that all actors have easy and frictionless access to the collective. So economic logic is set for the following purposes:
– Open, global, and unlicensed access to various actors.
– Verification and discovery of services.
– Good will generation.
– Bridging and crossing different networks and Blockchain.
Token Magnus is designed to achieve this goal. It guarantees free and non-discriminatory access from the start, and centralizes the value created by the collective. It has mechanisms in place for inflation incentives. To verify the service, supported 2 years of popular and industrial Robotic platform rental and to appreciate good faith on the network.
Magnus Token is revived after careful thought and long consideration of its benefits. We have thought through the economic logic of hard coding versus designing the economic logic that drives rapid growth. If we can not find a token that meets all Token’s unique requirements – the collective may collapse – and fail to achieve the stated objectives.
The conclusion of our careful analysis is that only the original token that enables Magnus Collective to optimize the desired destination. To create markets that make transactions easy, guarantee access to the world, and drive growth, we need the original tokens tuned for the Robotics, AI, and IOT markets. And we have decided to back up our token with the Robotics platform rental – Especially the Table Top Robot Smart platform.

Image result for magnus bounty
Token Sales Phase
– This goes through the following phases
1. Pre-ICO: Stage with a 60% Bonus. 2 weeks.
2. Main-ICO 0: Phase with 40% bonus. 48 hours.
3. Main-ICO 1: Phase with 30% bonus. 1 week.
4. Main-ICO 2: Phase with 20% bonus. 1 week.
5. Main-ICO 3: Phase with 10% bonus. 1 week.
6. Main-ICO 4: Phase with 5% bonus. 1 week.
7. Unsold tokens will be burned after ICO


INGOT COIN – Aims to Increase Financial Markets by Linking Global Markets with Global Market Participants

Hasil gambar untuk IGOT ICO RATING

The strength of Blockchain technology lies in the ability to address the inefficiencies of global industries, industries and markets. Blockchain technology has successfully crossed geographic boundaries, improving transaction speed and transparency.

The financial market has a lot of financial inefficiencies, it would be fair to say that the financial market has improved over time, but it is not where it should be.

INGOT is a project that aims to improve the financial market by linking the “global market with global market participants”. INGOT is able to take on this challenge because it has the experience of how the market works and has been in the financial market for 25 years. The INGOT project hopes to create more opportunities for investors and create room for more participants. Is there a better way to achieve this than with blockchain technology?

INGOT will create an ecosystem called the IC ecosystem; It will use Blockchain to integrate the financial market into an ecosystem. It will use Smart Contracts to handle all contracts involved in the process.

The fears of many financial market investors are the manipulative and fraudulent activities of intermediaries and other external influences that the ecosystem is about to eradicate. INGOT will provide a direct channel for investors and their clients. This will help to improve the financial market.

Some benefits for both investors and customers will benefit from the INGOT ecosystem:

> The INGOT ecosystem improves the relationship between investors and customers
> The ecosystem will also improve participation
> It improves the liquidity of the financial market
> It will provide a nearly perfect market.
> All parties have access to resources.
> The ecosystem will provide an excellent payment method and, above all, eliminate all forms of intermediaries or third parties.

>The involvement of the third party has always been a problem with the delay of the transaction process and alarming increase in transaction fees, moreover, with the INGOT project, there will no longer be a need for clearing houses, and it will be replaced by a truly transparent and decentralized ecosystem. The decentralized character of INGOT will improve the financial market and strengthen the confidence of the participants. Participants benefit from low and fast transactions.

What makes the INGOT unique is the fact that we are pioneers of such a project. This shows the commitment of the INGOT Group to improving the financial market.


The INGOT coin is a digital currency used within the INGOT ecosystem to reward participants (investors and customers) who own the coin. You will be rewarded for using the coin and participating in the ecosystem. INGOT would be built with the ERC20 technology

INGOT token information

Before ICO begins: May 1, 2018
Before ICO ends: June 30, 2018
ICO starts: 1 July 2018
ICO ends: 11th August 2018
Token: IC
Price: 1 IC = 1 USD
Bounty: Available
Platform: Ethereum (ERC20)
Soft Cap: $ 37,000,000
Hard Cap: 90,000,000 USD
Country of origin: Estonia

Blockchain technology has always been a means of integrating industries or sectors to solve financial problems. INGOT coin will integrate digital banking, Exchange, ICO Accelerator, Brokage and Certifier into a transparent ecosystem.


Further information can be found in the following links:

White Paper:




MULTIVERSUM – Pushing Traditional Blockchain to Higher Level

Multiversum is a platform that primarily aims at pushing the traditional blockchain to a much higher level. This is done by increasing the effectiveness of data through distributed and self-verifying structures of organized data that are related by means of a symbolic link. Multiversum as a platform sets to build a foundation or groundwork for a distributed and decentralized platform of consistent transactions that are self-verified.
Multiversum technology pushes traditional blockchain beyond its current limits, by enhancing the data layer through self-verifying and distributed structures of organized data entities, related one to another by symbolic links. This technology set the foundations for a decentralized and distributed system of coherent self-verifying transactions: Multiversum blockchain. Multiversum allows, instead of the existing blockchain simple data model, the creation of a Relational Crypto Database (an advanced and organized data storage solution) which can handle not just a single data-type, but a series of data grouped in graphs of complex data structures related one another. Relations are now first class citizens of the blockchain and are assured by cryptographic methods. Each one of them, when a state change is requested, will have its own sub-chain splitting from the original branch, that will rejoin after the operation, in order to be validated.
Our solution for everybody, programmers and common users. This solution will let you use our Pay-per-use libraries and the Free SDK.
For corporate solutions, in a safe, tested and efficient way. The Corporate Solution is: Decentralized, Blockchain Ledger, Migration Enterprise Tools (provided by external partner).
For Governments and Public Administrations, Blockchain Ledger, Migration Tools, Data Masking and Sealing, Native Identify Ass. Management. (provided by external partner)
The Multiversum
Public health, finance and the whole economic system are about to join the technologic revolution brought by Blockchain. One of our main goals is to meet the needs of every market entity that requires high operational security and can improve its productivity with Blockchain technology.
With our high security and stability standards, we make the concept of Blockchain 4.0 real and operative, offering innovative and efficient solutions at trifling costs. The beliefs that inspired and leads Multiversum are the GreenWill manifesto, for the environmental values, and the Triple Bottom Line principles, which can be resumed in three words:
social aspect: individual development, respect of human values.
environmental aspect: crucial resource, whose respect is inexorable.
economic aspect: engine of every project, it determines its feasibility.
What does Multiversum do?
Prior to the development of Multiversum, blockchains were faced with the problem of complex data and how they are provided by the network on time. Also, most blockchains do not allow users to verify integrity and security — this definitely means that the expansion of markets in the financial, governmental and industrial sectors will be greatly affected.
Multiversum has been developed primarily to solve the blockchain problems mentioned above. How does it do that? Users are given access to a technology that allows the current blockchain system to move to blockchain 4.0. This technology enables the blockchain to create a pattern among various cryptocurrencies. Not only does it create a pattern, it also allows for the adaptation of the specific needs of each cryptocurrency and a faster, secure and cleaner data sharing and receiving.
This platform makes use of multiple technologies that ensure its efficiency. An example of one of these technologies is a “multicurrency wallet”. This wallet is secure and reliable, and it also protects users from all types of thefts, scams, and hacks. The platform also allows for external coins to be moved around, this means that there will be a fast blockchain to blockchain interoperability.
Transactions fees on this platform are low. One more fascinating thing about it is the fact that passwords are not used, since a more secure and efficient security system is being used: a biometric data access based on retina and fingerprints scan. The platform also makes provision for the recovery and survival of data in the event of any natural disaster. One way is by sharing nodes and also the creation of backup nodes in different continents.
Why us
A brand new Blockchain which features different types of data, related in a multidimensional structure.
Resources optimization among nodes because of chain severability.
In 0.2 seconds funds are transferred from one wallet to another.
Unlimited scalability system: 64,000 Tps (1000 Tps/core) on a 64 cores server. Support to 64+ cores technologies.
PoS (Proof of Stake) will be replaced by PoI (Proof of Integrity).
Cutting edge security in access and funds transfers with biometric inputs with multicurrency support.
A Multiversum transaction will have trifling cost and next to zero environmental footprint.
Rollback will not operate on coins, but on tokens.
The servers which run Recovery Nodes are scattered all over the world in case of global disaster recovery.
features of Multiversum
  • A relational blockchain featuring multiple data that are related
  • Fast transaction speed. In less than 0.2 milliseconds, transfers are confirmed.
  • Adoption of an unlimited scalability technology.
  • Proof of integrity algorithm system.
A Multiverse of Possibilities
We make use of a multicurrency wallet which boasts high security and reliability, and is rollback compliant, protecting users from scams, hackings and wrong transactions. External coins and tokens will be able to move freely on-chain, allowing for fast chain-to-chain interoperability. We also ensure low fees and the reliability common to every decentralized system. With our biometric data access, based on fingerprint and retina scan, the concept of password becomes obsolete. Finally, data sharding, and the existence of backup nodes in different continents, ensure survivability and self-recovery in case of global disaster.
Target :  35,000,000 USD
141,000,000 of Token ERC20 MTV
Token value : 1 USD
  • ICO 01-05-2018 to 10-06-2018
1st & 2nd week : 20% Bonus
3rd & 4th week : 15% Bonus
5th & 6th week : 10% Bonus
Multiversum, in case of issues in ICO access which it can’t be held responsible for, or other force majeure delays, reserves the right to extend the ICO phase by 15 days in order to guarantee contributors’ participation.
  • SOFT CAP: 5,000,000 USD
(if the soft-cap will not be reached during pre-ICO and ICO, the funds will be returned)
  • HARD CAP: 35,000,000 USD
(once the hard-cap is reached, the donations will be halted)
  • TOTAL SUPPLY 141,000,000 MTV
Airdrop of the undistributed tokens once a week, to all the wallets that still hold 100% of the MTV tokens you are intitled to at any ICO stage. The airdrop will start 2 weeks after the end of ICO and will last 18 months. 
1% of funds raised will be donated to charitable organizations.
Token Distribution
  • 15% Founders and team (blocked for 12 months)
  • 6% Collaborators
  • 3% Advisors, Partnership
  • 76% Contributors
Destination of Distribution
  • 47% Multiversum Development
  • 25% Operations
  • 12% Marketing
  • 5% Security
  • 5% Legal
  • 5% Reserve
  • 1% Charity
Collection steps
by: godelpampam

MEGATRON – Ensuring a Safe and Flexible Business Environment

What is the MEGATRON platform?
MEGATRON is a leading block chain for the next generation, which uses a decentralized crypto currency, operating on the most secure and open Ethereum blockchain technology. It connects Ethereum miners around the world, entrepreneurs and people.
MEGATRON will work exclusively for miners, traders, investors, communities around the world to provide a secure and flexible business environment. The goal of Megatron’s Pltaform is to make the digital currency market in the market more transparent, open and linked to the development of mining communities of affordable and affordable mining tools.


Provide the latest mining equipment and technology for the community of individual mining communities and miners worldwide. Following these steps, we hope that in a short time we will be able to make Ethereum extraction more popular and profitable. We believe that once we form an excellent community, our MEGATRON brand will grow rapidly, and every MEGATRON owner and trader will benefit from our project.
Megatron is also trying to increase the token (MEGATRON) to use it as cash and earn as the first Cryptocurrency list at for 1 year. Just as you know that we are connected to professional miners and merchants around the world, we will soon reach the goal.

Expanding the Ethereum mine community worldwide and making it easier and more reliable for all Ethereum users. According to the registration records of coinmarketcap, there are still 587+ tokens circulating in the crypt market. And 95% of them use the Ethereum Blockchain technology. So, in general, we understand the demand for esterinum extraction.
Blockchain technology is the foundation of MEGATRON and is the next “crypto currency revolution”. Blockchain technology is a digital book system that allows you to transact with full accuracy, as it is a combination of cryptographic systems and computer databases (P2P). The combination of this technology results in a permanent and irreversible system of digital registers, meaning that it is impossible to forge transactony when they are signed and sent. The deal becomes final, and there is no double charge.
Cryptography is used to encrypt messages in digital books, but is used to sign transactions by users and to confirm these transactions. Decentralization of Blockchain P2P structures and means that digital books eliminate the need for data centers and disaster recovery centers (DRCs), which overshadow the main system. The end result is the digital register will always work and work.

MEGATRON will launch the world’s best wallet for its users. The wallet will be available on Windows and MAC, as well as mobile apps that you can download from the app store (for iOS devices) or from PlayStore (for Android devices). Megatron Wallet will give you the opportunity to manage your money, transfer funds, give money to your contacts or pay bills anywhere in the world. we will use the latest technology to make our wallet users a reliable and secure hacker / hacker.
MEGATRON is always concerned with the security of its users. With great importance, we use the latest security systems on websites, user wallets, and mobile apps. this security will protect our users from hacking, data exchange, and other unacceptable threads. Below are the security image settings in our platform.
MEGATRON develops mobile apps for smartphones and smart devices compatible with smart MEGATRON systems with a user-friendly interface, perfect for this digital age and the way most people live. Users can use MEGATRON websites, wallets, payment gateways, transactions and sites and choose whatever services they need from our teams anywhere and from anywhere in the world.
MEGATRON will provide the safest debit card for valuable users. Everyone from anywhere can buy the final crypto currency with MEGATRON. Then all these altkins can be used to make purchases using MEGATRON debit cards. Users can easily withdraw their megatron balance to get cash at ATMs supported by visa cards. Our debit cards will be accepted as payment systems with our partner payment gateways around the world, for example, in online stores, banking, advertising, and marketing. we will begin sending MGT debit cards starting October 2018.
Affiliate Bonus *
We believe that we can achieve our goal by building a strong crypto community. For those who will help us build a strong MEGATRON community, We have an offer for them, 10% affiliate bonus in ICO. Every MEGATRON user will get their unique affiliate links to promote their teams. Once a new member joins by using your affiliate link and joins token sales, you will automatically get a 10% bonus from MEGATRON.
* Specification Token Megatron *
Token Name: MEGATRON.
Token Ticker: MGT.
Total supply: 21,000,000 MGT (Pre-Mining).
Decent Token: 8.
Platorm: Ethereum Blockchain.
Standard Token: ERC20.
ContractAddress: 0x966d9db7293eb7bd82971cb07838e5679dadc50f.
Token Type: POW (Proof of Work).
Block: 5008116.
Block Confirmation: 16710.
Block Time: 5 Seconds.
Mined By: Ethermine.
* MEGATRON ICO begins: April 15, 2018 and ends May 31, 2018.
* Phase 01: From 15 April to 30 April, 5 million MTG = Price 0.50 $.
* Phase 02: From May 1 to May 15 5 million MGT = Price $ 0.75.
* Phase 03: From 16 May to 31 May 8 million MGT = Price 1 $.
Setting a token
Budget allocation
Q1: 2017:
Planning For Megatron Project
Build Megatron Team.
Start Development Work.
Q2: 2017
Connect With The Miner Community.
Connect With Merchant Community.
Using Supplier Mining Tools.
Q1: 2018
Complete website design and crowdsale.
Implementation of Crowdsale Phase.
Complete security protection for websites.
Q2: 2018
Public awareness about MEGATRON.
MEGATRON community outreach worldwide.
Member Registration Process allows.
Q3: 2018
Starts the distribution of the MEGATRON tokens.
Continue viral marketing around the world.
End of Sale of ICO Tokens.
Q4: 2018
Listed on the most popular exchanges.
Listed at Coincap Market and Launch Mobile Apps.
Began cooperating with professional miners, traders and entrepreneurs.
Q1: 2019
Megatron’s official website will be upgraded to External Exchange with the most popular crypto currency.
Start distribution of MGT international Debit cards.
Q2: 2019
Starts shipping ethereum mining equipment to miners around the world and Megatron’s partner community.
Continue development in the future.
Target Exchanges Megatron.
Starts shipping ethereum mining equipment to miners around the world and Megatron’s partner community.Continue development in the future.Q2: 2018.
by: godelpampam

INSPEM – The Video Analysis Platform, which will Use Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology


The INSPEM service was introduced in 2015; it lets users find other people they encounter randomly on the subway, in parks or other locations. We assume that such services will be used by male audiences. However, as statistics show, women make up 40% of all announcements. The women have taken photos of people they love on the road from a distance, uploading those photos to our service and waiting for some acquaintances to recognize the man and share his social networking profile.

By 2016 already, we decided to change course. Our desire to reach the multibillion market and become a more technologically advanced company, which uses artificial intelligence and is able to apply video analysis based on learning neural networks for facial recognition – this has formed a new vision of the INSPEM platform.


All current solutions are local and limited:

● search is limited by a particular database.

● video data received from a limited number of devices (government-owned cameras, commercial cameras in certain objects).

Search missing people

Quite a lot of time elapsed from the point someone has been lost until the beginning of their search. The search team and police are still searching for missing persons using outside flashlights and abandoned buildings. If the person does not want it at the federal or international level (which is not the case in such cases), their families have little or no chance of finding them in another city.

Often information about the movement of people can be obtained more quickly, more technological approach. There is currently no integrated database, to which one can upload a person’s image to track their movements around the city or country. The police have one database, Interpol has another, the search team has another and so on. All of these factors stand the fast way of determining the location of a particular person or their movement.

Search Bystander / witness

Looking for someone, who is in a certain place at a certain time and you need to contact them? Find someone on the subway or in the nearby park / bar / car that is interesting, and you do not know how to find it?

Criminal search

Have a wallet, purse or other valuable item stolen? Find witnesses or video footage of the scene.

For the majority of citizens, access to third-party recording surveillance cameras is still not possible. Usually only becomes possible after an appeal to the police or based on a judge’s decision. Very important in those cases, when the tape is there must be obtained quickly.

Every city has a continuous blind zone problem; it is a zone outside the camera of sight. This problem is even more pronounced in small towns.


Main feature

● Large-scale INSPEM service allows searching anywhere in the corner of the Earth.

● The INSPEM ver.2.0 platform will use advanced video analytics based on neural network learning for the fastest and most effective facial recognition.

Our solution

Our technology is built around the main principle: can find someone without disclosing their personal information, which is most important in most of the countries

Anyone on the planet will be able to connect all IP cameras, smartphones, or recorders driving to our platforms at the software level. Connections will be established by means of DynDNS or P2P services, which are the most accessible to regular users. The camera will stay in the same place and record as usual. The only requirement is the Internet connection.

The user then logs into INSPEM, registering the camera by specifying the serial number and password. After that, the service requests the location of the camera network from the vendor’s server and passes it to the nearest (in case of network) host to be processed. What we get is decentralization and minimal network load. Server vendors together with INSPEM participate in the connection establishment phase, while INSPEM tracks analytic operations and receives results.

The INSPEM platform does not record video from a user camera on its side: first, it will violate our privacy principle, secondly, it’s very colossal amount of data, storage that will be expensive and unnecessary for us.

Given the large amount of data being analyzed from the video cameras around the world, we are forced to use the capacity of miners. This allows an easy passing of the scale limit, in which each local video analysis system is bound. Decentralization will also encourage effective distribution of network traffic, so it will be as short as possible.

Each user will be able to upload the image of the person searched to the INSPEM Service. What we get is huge databases of people, on one hand, and a large number of video cameras (up to 1 million potential market devices), which analyze continuous face flow in real time.

When a match is found, the platform switches both sides with valuables: a prize to the owner of the video camera for the resources provided, and a picture of recognizing the face with the geographic coordinates of the video camera. This is what happens in detail.

The search starts, and the possibility of a positive outcome has emerged. Users browse through them and click on the one that he thinks is the correct additional information. That is precisely the action that is considered a true positive result that harms the user, for example, the price of 0.01 $. After that, the user accepts geolocation and bids to watch the recorded footage taken with that particular episode, but it will cost the additional user 1 $. When a user selects a preview, the platform uploads a video fragment to its server without the camera owner’s authorization requirement (the owner accepts or rejects the feature at registration), and saves it for 1 day. If the user decides not to pay for the full video, the INSPEM platform automatically removes it from the server after 24 hours has elapsed.

Token Information


Token Distribution 
● 80% of token will be distributed to investors during ICO; 
● 15% token will be dedicated to founders and developers; 
● 5% tokens will be spent within the campaign grace framework


● 40% – development and integration. Develop an INSPEM platform based on an existing MVP with in-machine learning (artificial intelligence) and blockchain technology. Partner system integration with INSPEM platform and “smart city” connection to access possible number of cameras worldwide. Remodeling mobile apps and web platforms. Develop our own API for interaction of each video device with our software. 
● 30% – marketing costs for participation in international exhibitions, PR, users and partners involved for rapid exponential growth; 
● 20% – principal funds for the maintenance of liquidity tokens and token exchange INP buybacks from investors; 
● 10% – operating expenses for office, legal support.

Sales during PRE-ICO and Bonus

[Mar. 20, 2018 – Apr 16, 2018] 
Hard stamp: 2,000 ETH 
Token Price: 1 ETH = 5 000 INP 
Bonus: 50-100%

Sales during ICO and Bonus

[May. 1, 2018 – May 28, 2018] 
Hard cap: 30,000 ETH 
Token price: 1 ETH = 5 000 INP 
Bonus: 0-30%

Road Map of Inspem



For more information :
Telegram –
by: godelpampam


Helios Coins – The Future of Mining

Helios Mining Ltd. developing a Solar Mining Clusters system that can consume electricity directly to renewable energy sources. Our clusters are made on the basis of an Off-Grid ( Autonomous ) solar generator, a dipping cooling unit, equipped with mining equipment, communication and automation functions attached to the fourth industrial revolution. They are completely self-contained, support remote control and have a revolutionary cooling system that consumes about 2% of the total system power consumption. In addition, these high-tech solutions are fully integrated into existing global logistics systems and ensure our investors offer unique trade in the free world of electrical cryptography wherever they are ( * inside the solar belt ).
We like it when the system is autonomous, closed, the circuit itself requires minimal maintenance that operates on us, right?
How to combine all these technological solutions in crypto currency mining? How not to worry about the cost and infinity of electricity? How not to worry about the need for regular cleaning of dust and dirt, or agricultural ventilation and all your own expenses, do not worry about the availability of the Internet and the right currency rays for mining? We set that goal. And we got there.
We combine solar panels, electrical storage systems, immersion cooling, standalone mining, and added to this cocktail self-learning control system that independently converts crypto currency for mining based on the situation in the market. The ideal system. As we wanted. And you’ll love it too.
  • Solar energy
Environmentally friendly and environmentally friendly energy for mining. Ideal for a country with a hot climate. Not harm the environment. Endless energy sources without wear and power loss .
  • Battery
At night, the decrease in solar panel efficiency is compensated by the accumulation of energy reserves in accumulators per day. The latest batteries have high efficiency and long service life.
  • Immersion Cooler
Final solution problems with uneven cooling boards, expensive electronic component pollution, fan noise and permanent system repair. Remember the car that was fitted continuously at the beginning of last century? Immersion cooling is the future of mining.
  • Intelligent Currency
The specially developed software analyzes the market situation in real time and diverts mining equipment between different currencies, achieving maximum mining efficiency.
  • Decentralization
Dropping the mining unit out of the power supply allows you to place the autonomous system in the most convenient places – no distance from civilization, in many places at the same time. At the same time, such decentralized systems will function.
  • Legal Condition
Due to the various ways to connect to the Internet and the lack of dependence on electricity, system owners do not bear the risk of “excessive regulation” by the state. The system can not be legally disconnected from electricity or the internet.
Our special gift program will allow to get even small inverstors. We decided that every activity should be rewarded and create additional rewards for our team’s active members. So, do not hesitate to participate.
It’s no secret that every team is trying to reach big investors. That’s why we make special investment terms for foundations and private business angels with a minimum amount of 1 million euros.
An indoor closed circuit is ideal for mining. Free power means we do not rely on government electricity supplies. We can mine. No expenses. All unused electricity may be sold to the government. That’s a bonus.
A ready, tested, and working solar mining cluster that generates daily revenue for us. This is not an investment not an idea or a virtual software product. It is a complex hardware that works every day.

The more sun stations we have – the more power we have. More power means more miners. More minersmean more crypto currency and more money for us and our investors.

We created a custom algorithm that automatically converts the mining process into a coin that is more profitable to me. That means the profitability of mining will increase.
The HLC token is the Ethereal token based on the ERC-20 standard. HLC token grant 

   their right holders to :
Getting 100% income from our own mining operations in two stages:
  • 75% payable immediately
  • 25% is invested to improve future payments
Receives 35% of HeliosCoin’s revenue from third party mining operations
Voice and veto in making important decisions about corporate strategy
Token is offered for 92 days: from 1 July 2018 to 1 October 2018.
Helios Mining Ltd. Company started his first ICO – Autonomous HeliosCoin in the world. 

   Mining solutions are focused on alternative energy sources. Proposal will be open for 


  world community. Limits apply to German residents, as well as to investors 

   from the United States.

Total token : 5 million tokens ( Unallocated tokens will not be created )
Price Token on release: 0.001 ETH
Token Distribution :
  • Bounty Program – 3% of distributed tokens
  • Founding team -10% for founding team
  • Reserve – 5% of reserve repurchase fund
  • Contributors – 82% of published tokens
Official website:
  • PRE-ICO Start date : May 1, 2018
  • PRE-ICO Expiry date : June 1, 2018
  • ICO Start date : July 1, 2018
  • ICO Date of expiry : October 1, 2018
Discount :
  • Private sales: April 18, 2018 to April 30, 2018 bonus 20%
  • May 1, 2018 to June 1 bonus will be 20%
ICO : 
  • July 1, 2018 to July 8, 2018 bonus 20%
  • July 9, 2018 to July 16, 2018 bonus 15%
  • July 17, 2018 to October 1, 2018, a 10% bonus
  • The token distribution end date is October 1, 2018., 12:00 GMT
  • 01 APR-2018 : Pre-sale tokens 
Smart contract spread. Listing GitHub. Start pre-selling. 
  • 02 MEI-2018 – The first cluster installment. Pre-ICO. 
50 kWt sollar panels and immersion cooling boxes. 
Installing ASIC. Early mining.PRE-ICO. 


  • 03 JUN-2018 : Launch of ICO HeliosCoin
  1. The beginning of ICO
  2. Mining cluster is increasing
  3. Intercalation of blockchain
  • 04 SEP-2018 : End of HeliosCoin ICO. List of shares. 
List of shares. Orders 10 mWt 
solar powered solar system. 
  • 05 NOV-2018 : Added power – mining and solar 
10 mWt electric installment solar power system. Installment of installment cooling box. 
Installment of mining equipment. The beginning of mining. 


  • 06 DECEMBER 2018 : Cluster Distribution
  1. Sow solar clusters around the world
  2. The mining software for the cluster is distributed
  3. Distribution of clusters worldwide
  • 07 JAN-2019 : iOs and Android 
IO apps and Android app implementations for cluster buyers


Decentralized investment ecosystems in blockchain technology. No need to be a crypto teacher to invest in the most stable and promising projects of cryptocurrency and blockchain.





Qu’est-ce qu’un Guarium
Imaginez que vous êtes le propriétaire de crypto-monnaie que vous pouvez utiliser dans des milliers de magasins en ligne à travers le monde. Tous les jours, les avantages obtenus par Guar Coin doivent être mis en circulation dans l’immense infrastructure de vente en ligne.
Lors de ses débuts officiels, Guar Coin aura un fort taux de change sur le marché, en même temps une excellente solution pour les investisseurs individuels qui veulent bénéficier d’une croissance dynamique de la valeur
  • Implémentation de la technologie blockchain prévue
  • Un système d’affiliation formidable et puissant
  • Infrastructure de commerce électronique
  • écosystème
  • Jeton global et crypto-monnaie dans le futur
  • Transactions privées
Schéma général du système


Automatisation du commerce électronique – Système de vente en ligne entièrement automatisé Grâce à des solutions novatrices, les fabricants et les grossistes pourront exploiter la puissance de milliers de magasins en ligne dispersés par des entrepreneurs individuels partout dans le monde. Une solution adaptée aux marchés existants et nouveaux.
Dans chacun de ces magasins, vous pouvez effectuer des achats de pièces de monnaie Guar, ce qui vous donnera des avantages significatifs par rapport aux autres cryptocurrences.
Système de recommandation générale dans le magasin en ligne
Nous avons créé un système permettant à toute personne qui exploite une boutique en ligne de recommander des produits d’autres magasins. Imaginez un système de milliers de magasins en ligne, où les clients précédemment recommandés sont assignés aux référents. L’utilisation de la technologie Blockchain nous a permis de créer des produits et des systèmes de gestion des tâches entièrement automatisés. Et l’introduction de Guar Coin sur le réseau e-commerce facilitera les achats.
Voici une opportunité d’acheter un jeton GUAR avant son lancement officiel. Nous savons très bien que l’avenir du magasinage existe sur Internet et, avec la bonne infrastructure d’automatisation du commerce électronique que nous construisons, nous aurons un impact significatif sur la façon dont les gens achètent en ligne.
  • 5 billions de dollars – la valeur du marché du commerce électronique en Europe
  • 0,01 valeur de jeton GUAR en prévente
  • 10% des jetons GUAR seront distribués dans la phase pré-ICO
  • 35 MLN Milion dollar – cible pour la phase pré-ICO
  • Le prix de Guar Coin avant la vente est de 0.01 GUAR
  • Achetez plus de 100 000 jetons GUAR: 100% GRATUIT
Projet GURIUM Regardez cette vidéo
Distribution de jetons et de fonds
Prix ​​Guar Coin dans les ventes précédentes 0.01 GUAR
Achetez plus de 100 000 jetons GUAR GRATUITS
La répartition des jetons a été divisé en plusieurs phases, la première du Pre qui est ICO, où les utilisateurs peuvent acquérir le Guar Coin à un prix qui leur permettra de gagner le plus sur l’augmentation de sa valeur:
Nous reconnaissons que beaucoup de gens sont impliqués dans la construction d’un système d’automatisation du commerce électronique complet. Dès le début, nous avons planifié et prévu de distribuer des jetons à des groupes spécifiques de personnes impliquées dans la mise en œuvre du projet et combien étaient impliqués.
Surtout, qui a acheté le premier jeton GuarCoin dans la phase pré-ICO. Par conséquent, quel que soit le prix extraordinaire, nous avons mis en place un jeton de bonus pour vous. En outre, pour la phase ICO et pour les investisseurs qui veulent acheter des jetons dans cette phase, nous offrirons un prix légèrement plus élevé que dans la phase pré-ICO.
La seule différence est que le prix sera de plus en plus élevé, en fonction de la phase de phase où nous sommes. Aux troisième et quatrième étapes de l’OIC, 30% de jetons supplémentaires seront partagés avec les communautés et les partenaires. Certains jetons comprennent les coûts de marketing et la planification globale des activités. D’autres sont disponibles pour les consultants de tous les projets, la dernière section est pour la gestion et les employés
Feuille de route
  • Janvier 2016 – Planification de l’infrastructure
  • Mai 2016 – Rejoignez la machine de création
  • Avril 2017 – I Stage – Système de base de données
  • Décembre 2017 – Intégration avec les grossistes
  • Janvier 2018 – La partie visuelle du système d’échange de données
  • Avril 2018 – Phase préparatoire de l’OIC
  • Juin 2018 – Intégration du système et passerelle de paiement
  • Juillet 2018 – OFFRES D’OFFRES KOIN
  • Août 2018 – pré-lancement et boutique en ligne
  • Octobre 2018 – le lancement officiel de l’automatisation du commerce électronique
  • Décembre 2018 – Centre commercial virtuel – Vue 3D du stockage
  • MARS 2019 – Commence à travailler sur le marché des devises crypto lui-même
  • AVRIL 2019 – Expansion internationale
  • AOÛT 2019 – Pièce de guar Hard Fork
Équipe de projet
L’équipe GUARIUM se compose de spécialistes hautement qualifiés et d’entrepreneurs dans leurs domaines qui ont une vaste expérience professionnelle :
Conseil consultatif
Le projet GUARIUM a été soutenu par les meilleurs spécialistes et entrepreneurs en finance, crypto-monnaie, marchés affiliés :
Les conditions légales
Pour des informations détaillées sur notre ICO s’il vous plaît visitez notre site Web adresse ci-dessous de moi et merci:



by: godelpampam
